I’m fairly sure that I’ve marked the calender and am reading the numbers right. The answer seems to elude me though. I’ve tried about every single number and sequence I could think of, no Bueno still. Any help, please? How many numbers does the answer consist of?
The answer is 3 numbers long, entered in a Jan May June sequence (without commas, dashed or spaces in between). Make sure you have marked the days in the calendars correctly. I mis-marked one of the days in June because I was reading one of the dates in the clue wrong, and as a result I was seeing a number that was not the correct one. I pulled my hair out until I realized my mistake.
Thanks for your help! I tried the combination again that I thought was the right answer to begin with, and guess what? Solved! Bizarre, I’m absolutely sure I’ve entered it correctly at least two times before. Doesn’t matter now, on to the next chapter!